More Customers for
Your Business with
‘The Snowball Effect’!

Small Business Marketing that gets more powerful every month!

Are you still using old, ineffective methods to promote your business?

Or is your marketing like a snowball rolling down a hill that gets bigger, faster and more powerful the longer it rolls?

If you’re like many small businesses, your current plan for trying to attract new customers will be something like this…

  • You advertise… this may be via offline methods such as the newspaper, flyers etc, or via online marketing methods such as Facebook ads, Google Ads etc.
  • People see your ad in which you encourage them to become a customer by visiting your premises, calling you or visiting your website.
  • A few of the people who see your ad become customers, but most don’t.
  • The next week or the next month you need to start all over again with your advertising as you have no way to contact anyone who saw your previous ads.

Instead of this ineffective method though, what if…

  • Each time you advertise, you not only get customers from that promotion, but you also reignite customers from your last promo, and the one before that, and the one before that etc.

  • Also, some people who saw your previous promos but didn’t become a  customer at the time now become customers.

  • And, every time you run a promo, people want to tell all their friends about it on Facebook etc. so getting you lots of free additional promotions for your business.

  • And, you build a list of not only customers but also people who have shown an interest in your business.

  • This list grows month after month, helping you to attract more and more customers and continually increase your profits.

That’s the Snowball Effect…

Small business marketing that gets more powerful, more effective and more profitable for you every month!


Every Month Your Done-For-You System includes…

  • Fully managed solution so whenever you want a newsletter sent to your list (or bi-weekly at an extra cost), you simply send the wording and any images to me and I will format the newsletter and send it to your ever-growing list (after you have seen and agreed on a proof copy of course)
  • All Mailerlite email list software costs
  • Ongoing management of your email list
  • The email list we build is yours and yours alone. You are welcome to have a copy of the list at any time and if you ever decide to leave the system, your entire list will be sent to you so you can still use it.
  • Telephone support and help from me when needed
  • Web hosting costs for your Viral Prize Draw Software
  • Set up of further Viral Prize Draws as and when required. You should run a different prize draw every month to ensure the email list continues to grow. All of this is included for you.

Your total investment per month is just R1000 for One Prize Draw and One Newsletter per month. If you want to double up (most do) then it will be R2000 per month.

This low monthly cost is paid through PayPal and covers an email list of up to 500 people. When your list grows above that figure and so is even more profitable for you, your monthly cost will increase by R500 for every 500 extra people on your list.

Growing Your Business in this Brutal Market is not Easy!

Learn how you can Start Right Now!

Viral Marketing

Finding a way to grow any business virally is like finding a never-ending supply of gold. In this brutal market, you need all the help you can get to grow your business at any rate. But Viral marketing will accelerate your growth! Learn more today!

Your Virtual Viral Marketer